Commands related to internationalization
package require twapi
This package provides procedures related to internationalization capabilities on Windows platforms.
A locale defines user preferences related to languages and culture-dependent formatting of numbers, currencies etc.. A locale identifier (LCID) is an integer or one of the keywords systemdefault or userdefault corresponding to the system and user default locales respectively.
The system maintains locale settings for the system as well as the user. These can be retrieved through the commands get_system_default_lcid and get_user_default_lcid respectively.
The command get_locale_info can be used to retrieve the settings associated with a particular locale.
Languages are identified by a 16 bit integer (LANGID) that includes the primary and sublanguage information. The commands extract_primary_langid and extract_sublanguage_langid may be used to retrieve these from the language identifier.
The system maintains several language settings. These can be retrieved through the commands get_system_default_langid, get_system_ui_langid, get_user_default_langid and get_user_ui_langid. Information related to a LANGID, such as it full name, can be retrieved by passing it to get_locale_info.
Windows provides functions for formatting data as per local conventions. The command format_number formats numbers using a given locale as a base and with the ability to override particular format settings.
-icurrency CURRENCYFORMAT | Controls how positive currency numbers are formatted including spacing, position of the currency symbol etc.. See the documentation for LOCALE_ICURRENCY in the Windows SDK for possible values of CURRENCYFORMAT. |
-idigits DECIMALPLACES | Indicates the number of digits after the decimal point to include in the result. If specified as -1, the number of decimal places in the result is the same as in NUMBER. |
-ilzero BOOLEAN | Specifies whether the result includes leading zeroes (true) or not (false) when NUMBER is a pure fraction. |
-inegcurr NEGFORMAT | Controls how negative numbers are formatted including location of the currency symbol, the negative number indicator etc.. See the documentation for LOCALE_INEGCURR in the Windows SDK for possible values of NEGFORMAT. |
-scurrency SYMBOL | Specifies that the string SYMBOL should be used as the monetary symbol. |
-sdecimal DECIMALSEPARATOR | Specifies the string to be used to represent the decimal point. |
-sgrouping GROUPNUM | Specifies the size of each group of digits to the left of the decimal point. GROUPNUM may be any integer between 0 and 9 or the value 32 which indicates the Indic convention of the grouping by the first thousand (3 digits) followed by groups of 2 digits. |
-sthousand THOUSANDSEPARATOR | Specifies the string to be used as the thousands' separator. |
-idigits DECIMALPLACES | Indicates the number of digits after the decimal point to include in the result. If specified as -1, the number of decimal places in the result is the same as in NUMBER. |
-ilzero BOOLEAN | Specifies whether the result the result includes leading zeroes (true) or not (false). |
-inegnumber NEGFORMAT | Controls how negative numbers are formatted. See the documentation for LOCALE_INEGNUMBER in the Windows SDK for possible values of NEGFORMAT. |
-sgrouping GROUPNUM | Specifies the size of each group of digits to the left of the decimal point. GROUPNUM may be any integer between 0 and 9 or the value 32 which indicates the Indic convention of the grouping by the first thousand (3 digits) followed by groups of 2 digits. |
-sdecimal DECIMALSEPARATOR | Specifies the string to be used to represent the decimal point. |
-sthousand THOUSANDSEPARATOR | Specifies the string to be used as the thousands' separator. |
-ilanguage | language id |
-slanguage | localized name of language |
-senglanguage | English name of language |
-sabbrevlangname | abbreviated language name |
-snativelangname | native name of language |
-icountry | country code |
-scountry | localized name of country |
-sengcountry | English name of country |
-sabbrevctryname | abbreviated country name |
-snativectryname | native name of country |
-idefaultlanguage | default language id |
-idefaultcountry | default country code |
-idefaultcodepage | default oem code page |
-idefaultansicodepage | default ansi code page |
-idefaultmaccodepage | default mac code page |
-slist | list item separator |
-imeasure | 0 = metric, 1 = US |
-sdecimal | decimal separator |
-sthousand | thousand separator |
-sgrouping | digit grouping |
-idigits | number of fractional digits |
-ilzero | leading zeros for decimal |
-inegnumber | negative number mode |
-snativedigits | native ascii 0-9 |
-scurrency | local monetary symbol |
-sintlsymbol | intl monetary symbol |
-smondecimalsep | monetary decimal separator |
-smonthousandsep | monetary thousand separator |
-smongrouping | monetary grouping |
-icurrdigits | # local monetary digits |
-iintlcurrdigits | # intl monetary digits |
-icurrency | positive currency mode |
-inegcurr | negative currency mode |
-sdate | date separator |
-stime | time separator |
-sshortdate | short date format string |
-slongdate | long date format string |
-stimeformat | time format string |
-idate | short date format ordering |
-ildate | long date format ordering |
-itime | time format specifier |
-itimemarkposn | time marker position |
-icentury | century format specifier (short date) |
-itlzero | leading zeros in time field |
-idaylzero | leading zeros in day field (short date) |
-imonlzero | leading zeros in month field (short date) |
-s1159 | AM designator |
-s2359 | PM designator |
-icalendartype | type of calendar specifier |
-ioptionalcalendar | additional calendar types specifier |
-ifirstdayofweek | first day of week specifier |
-ifirstweekofyear | first week of year specifier |
-sdayname1 | long name for Monday |
-sdayname2 | long name for Tuesday |
-sdayname3 | long name for Wednesday |
-sdayname4 | long name for Thursday |
-sdayname5 | long name for Friday |
-sdayname6 | long name for Saturday |
-sdayname7 | long name for Sunday |
-sabbrevdayname1 | abbreviation for Monday |
-sabbrevdayname2 | abbreviation for Tuesday |
-sabbrevdayname3 | abbreviation for Wednesday |
-sabbrevdayname4 | abbreviation for Thursday |
-sabbrevdayname5 | abbreviation for Friday |
-sabbrevdayname6 | abbreviation for Saturday |
-sabbrevdayname7 | abbreviation for Sunday |
-smonthname1 | long name for January |
-smonthname2 | long name for February |
-smonthname3 | long name for March |
-smonthname4 | long name for April |
-smonthname5 | long name for May |
-smonthname6 | long name for June |
-smonthname7 | long name for July |
-smonthname8 | long name for August |
-smonthname9 | long name for September |
-smonthname10 | long name for October |
-smonthname11 | long name for November |
-smonthname12 | long name for December |
-smonthname13 | long name for 13th month (if exists) |
-sabbrevmonthname1 | abbreviation for January |
-sabbrevmonthname2 | abbreviation for February |
-sabbrevmonthname3 | abbreviation for March |
-sabbrevmonthname4 | abbreviation for April |
-sabbrevmonthname5 | abbreviation for May |
-sabbrevmonthname6 | abbreviation for June |
-sabbrevmonthname7 | abbreviation for July |
-sabbrevmonthname8 | abbreviation for August |
-sabbrevmonthname9 | abbreviation for September |
-sabbrevmonthname10 | abbreviation for October |
-sabbrevmonthname11 | abbreviation for November |
-sabbrevmonthname12 | abbreviation for December |
-sabbrevmonthname13 | abbreviation for 13th month (if exists) |
-spositivesign | positive sign |
-snegativesign | negative sign |
-ipossignposn | positive sign position |
-inegsignposn | negative sign position |
-ipossymprecedes | mon sym precedes pos amt |
-ipossepbyspace | mon sym sep by space from pos amt |
-inegsymprecedes | mon sym precedes neg amt |
-inegsepbyspace | mon sym sep by space from neg amt |
-fontsignature | font signature |
-siso639langname | ISO language abbreviation |
-siso3166ctryname | ISO country name abbreviation |
-idefaultebcdiccodepage | default ebcdic code page (only valid for Windows 2000 and later) |
-ipapersize | 1 = letter, 5 = legal, 8 = a3, 9 = a4 (only valid for Windows 2000 and later) |
-sengcurrname | english name of currency (only valid for Windows 2000 and later) |
-snativecurrname | native name of currency (only valid for Windows 2000 and later) |
-syearmonth | year month format string (only valid for Windows 2000 and later) |
-ssortname | sort name (only valid for Windows 2000 and later) |
-idigitsubstitution | 0 = context, 1 = none, 2 = national (only valid for Windows 2000 and later) |
Copyright © 2005-2006 Ashok P. Nadkarni