Desktops and Window stations
Commands related to desktops and window stations
package require twapi
This package provides procedures related to desktops and window stations
on Windows platforms.
- close_desktop_handle HDESK
Closes a desktop handle that was previously returned by a call
to get_desktop_handle and frees
and associated resources.
- close_window_station_handle HWINSTA
Closes a window station handle that was previously returned by a call
to get_window_station_handle.
- find_desktops ?-winsta HWINSTA?
Returns a list of desktops. By default, the desktops from the current
window station are returned. The -winsta option may be used to
specify a different window station.
- find_window_stations
Returns a list of identifiers for all window stations in the system for which
the caller has the WINSTA_ENUMERATE privilege.
- get_current_window_station_handle
Returns a handle to the window station for the calling process. This
handle need not (and should not) be closed.
- get_desktop_handle DESKTOP ?-inherit BOOL? ?-access ACCESSRIGHTS? ?-allowhooks BOOL?
Returns a handle to the specified desktop.
The -inherit option determines whether the returned handle will be
inherited by child processes. This is false by default.
The access rights associated with the handle default to
GENERIC_READ unless the -access option is specified.
ACCESSRIGHTS specifies the desired access rights and may be
specified as a list of integer access rights flags or symbols as described in
Access Rights.
If the option -allowhooks is specified as true, processes
running in other accounts on the desktop will be allowed to set hooks
in the calling process.
When no longer needed, the returned handle should be closed with a call to
to close_desktop_handle.
- get_window_station_handle WINDOWSTATION ?-inherit BOOL? ?-access ACCESSRIGHTS?
Returns a handle to the window station identified by WINDOWSTATION.
The access rights associated with the handle default to
GENERIC_READ unless the -access option is specified.
ACCESSRIGHTS specifies the desired access rights and may be
specified as a list of integer access rights flags or symbols as described in
Access Rights.
The -inherit option determines whether the returned handle will be
inherited by child processes. This is false by default.
When no longer needed, the returned handle should be closed with a call to
to close_window_station_handle.
- set_process_window_station HWINSTA
Assigns the window station identified by HWINSTA to the calling process.
HWINSTA should be a window station handle previously returned by
get_window_station_handle. See
the description of SetProcessWindowStation in the Windows SDk for
more details.
Copyright © 2003-2006 Ashok P. Nadkarni