Window management

Commands related to management of windows


package require twapi_ui
arrange_icons ?HWIN?
close_window HWIN ?-wait MILLISECONDS?
configure_window_titlebar HWIN ?options?
disable_window_input HWIN
enable_window_input HWIN
find_windows ?options?
flash_window HWIN ?options?
flash_window_caption HWIN ?-toggle?
get_active_window_for_current_thread TID
get_active_window_for_thread TID
get_child_windows HWIN
get_color_depth ?HWIN?
get_descendent_windows HWIN
get_display_monitor_from_point X Y ?-default DEFAULTMONITOR?
get_display_monitor_from_rect RECT ?-default DEFAULTMONITOR?
get_display_monitor_from_window HWIN ?-default DEFAULTMONITOR?
get_display_monitors ?-device DEVICENAME? ?-activeonly?
get_display_monitor_info HMONITOR
get_first_child HWIN
get_first_sibling_window HWIN
get_focus_window_for_thread TID
get_last_sibling_window HWIN
get_next_sibling_window HWIN
get_owner_window HWIN
get_parent_window HWIN
get_prev_sibling_window HWIN
get_toplevel_windows ?-pids PIDLIST?
get_window_application HWIN
get_window_at_location X Y
get_window_class HWIN
get_window_client_area_size HWIN
get_window_coordinates HWIN
get_window_id HWIN
get_window_long HWIN INDEX
get_window_process HWIN
get_window_real_class HWIN
get_window_style HWIN
get_window_text HWIN
get_window_thread HWIN
get_window_userdata HWIN
hide_owned_popups HWIN
hide_window HWIN ?-sync?
invalidate_screen_region ?options?
maximize_window HWIN ?-sync?
minimize_window HWIN ?options?
move_window HWIN X Y ?-sync?
redraw_window HWIN ?-force?
redraw_window_frame HWIN
resize_window HWIN W H ?-sync?
restore_window HWIN ?options?
set_active_window_for_thread HWIN
set_caret_blink_time MILLISECONDS
set_caret_location POINT
set_desktop_wallpaper PATH ?-persist?
set_focus HWIN
set_foreground_window HWIN
set_window_long HWIN INDEX VALUE
set_window_style HWIN style exstyle
set_window_text HWIN TEXT
set_window_userdata HWIN INTEGER
set_window_zorder HWIN POS
show_owned_popups HWIN
show_window HWIN ?options?
tkpath_to_hwnd TKPATH
window_exists HWIN
window_input_enabled HWIN
window_maximized HWIN
window_minimized HWIN
window_visible HWIN
window_unicode_enabled HWIN


This package provides procedures related to window management on Windows platforms.

Window Management

Windows are identified using window handles. A window handle consisting of an empty string represents an invalid or non-existent window when returned from a command. The command tkpath_to_hwnd returns the window handle corresponding to a Tk window.

The commands get_toplevel_windows, get_descendent_windows and get_child_windows enumerate the windows on the system. get_desktop_window and get_shell_window return handles to the desktop window and the shell window respectively. find_windows returns a list of windows that satisfy matching multiple matching criteria. The command window_exists can be used to check if a specific window exists.

The commands get_parent_window, get_owner_window, get_first_child, get_next_sibling_window, get_prev_sibling_window, get_first_sibling_window, get_last_sibling_window retrieve handles to windows with the appropriate relationship to the specified window. The command window_is_child can be used to check parent-child relationships between windows.

The commands get_window_process and get_window_thread retrieve the process and thread respectively that own the specified window. get_window_application returns the application instance for the specified window.

The commands get_foreground_window, set_foreground_window and set_window_zorder deal with the position of windows in the display Z-order.

The commands show_window, hide_window, restore_window, minimize_window, maximize_window, show_owned_popups, and hide_owned_popups control the visibility of windows. The commands window_minimized, window_maximized, window_visible check the visibility state of a window. close_window closes the specified window.

The commands get_window_style, set_window_style, get_window_class, get_window_real_class, get_window_long, set_window_long get_window_userdata and set_window_userdata retrieve and modify various attributes associated with windows.

The visibility and buttons displayed on the title bar of a window can be controlled through the command configure_window_titlebar.

The command get_window_id returns the window id of the specified window.

redraw_window and redraw_window_frame cause the window and the frame of a window to be redrawn respectively.

The commands move_window, resize_window and arrange_icons can be used to position and resize windows. The commands get_window_client_area_size and get_window_coordinates can be used to get window location and size. The command get_window_at_location returns the window at a given screen location.

The commands set_active_window_for_thread, get_active_window_for_thread, get_focus_window_for_thread, get_active_window_for_current_thread deal with the active window state and focus for a particular thread.

The commands enable_window_input, disable_window_input and set_focus deal with controlling input to windows. The command window_input_enabled can be used to check if input to a window is enabled or not. window_unicode_enabled checks if a window is Unicode-enabled or not.

The command flash_window can be used to grab the user's attention by flashing a window or taskbar icon.

The commands get_window_text and set_window_text retrieve and modify the title bar of a window or the text associated with a control. In the latter case, only controls in the same application are supported.

The commands get_caret_blink_time, set_caret_blink_time, hide_caret, show_caret, get_caret_location and set_caret_location allow manipulation of the caret and its position.

The command get_desktop_workarea returns the actual usable desktop area (not used by the taskbar etc.). get_color_depth returns the color depth of the display.

The commands get_desktop_wallpaper and set_desktop_wallpaper can be used to manipulate the wallpaper setting for the desktop.


Command get_display_devices returns a list of display devices in the system. Command get_display_monitors returns a list of monitors in the system. The command get_display_size returns the size of the display.

The monitor corresponing to a window, virtual screen coordinates or virtual screen rectangle be obtained from get_display_monitor_from_window, get_display_monitor_from_point, get_display_monitor_from_rect respectively.

The command get_display_monitor_info returns location and attributes of a specific display monitor. get_multiple_display_monitor_info returns the same information for all display monitors in the system.


arrange_icons ?HWIN?
Arranges all the minimized (iconized) child windows of the specified window. If HWIN is not specified, it defaults to the desktop window. The command returns the height of one row of icons.
close_window HWIN ?-wait MILLISECONDS?
Closes the window specified by HWIN. The option -wait can be specified to indicate the command should wait for MILLISECONDS ms for the window to actually close. By default, the command will wait for 10ms. Specify MILLISECONDS as 0 to return immediately without waiting. The command returns 1 if the window is closed and 0 otherwise. Note the latter is not an error as the window might have processed the close message yet.
configure_window_titlebar HWIN ?options?
Configures the title bar of the specified window to show or hide specific buttons. The following options control what buttons are displayed. If a particular option is not specified, the corresponding button is unaffected. Note however that the minimize, maximize and context help buttons are shown only if the system menu is also visible. Also, the minimize and maximize buttons are hidden and displayed as a single group. If one is configured to be hidden and the other is not, both buttons are shown but the hidden one is disabled.
visible BOOLEAN Controls whether the title bar is displayed.
sysmenu BOOLEAN Controls whether the system menu button is displayed.
minimizebox BOOLEAN Controls whether the minimize button is displayed.
maximizebox BOOLEAN Controls whether the maximize button is displayed.
contexthelp BOOLEAN Controls whether the context help button is displayed.
disable_window_input HWIN
Disables mouse and keyboard input to the specified window. Returns 1 if the window was previously disabled, else 0.
enable_window_input HWIN
Enables mouse and keyboard input to the specified window. Returns 1 if the window was previously disabled, else 0.
find_windows ?options?
Returns a list of handles corresponding to all windows that match the specified criteria. If the -single option is specified, the return value is a window handle, not a list containing the window handle.

The options below control the matching criteria. Note that the boolean options work in tri-state fashion. If the option is not specified, then the corresponding window attribute is not used in the matching at all. If the option value is specified as true, then only windows having that attribute are selected. If the option value is false, only windows without that attribute are selected.
-ancestor HWIN The window with handle HWIN must be an ancestor of the window.
-caption BOOLEAN The window must or must not have a caption/title bar depending on whether BOOLEAN is true or false.
-child BOOLEAN The window must or must not be an child window depending on whether BOOLEAN is true or false.
-class CLASS The window must belong to the specified class.
-match MATCHTYPE Specifies the method used for matching PATTERN in the -text option. This may be one of string for an straight character match, glob for matching as in the string match command or regexp for regular expression based matching. In all cases, the comparisons are case-insensitive.
-maximize BOOLEAN The window must or must not be maximized depending on whether BOOLEAN is true or false.
-maximizebox BOOLEAN The window must or must not have a maximize box on the title bar depending on whether BOOLEAN is true or false.
-messageonlywindow BOOLEAN The window must or must not be a message-only window depending on whether BOOLEAN is true or false.
-minimize BOOLEAN The window must or must not be minimized depending on whether BOOLEAN is true or false.
-minimizebox BOOLEAN The window must or must not have a minimize box on the title bar depending on whether BOOLEAN is true or false.
-overlapped BOOLEAN The window must or must not be an overlapped window depending on whether BOOLEAN is true or false.
-pids PIDLIST The window must be owned by a process whose id is in PIDLIST.
-popup BOOLEAN The window must or must not be an popup window depending on whether BOOLEAN is true or false.
-single Returns the first window found without looking for additional windows. The return value from the command is the window itself, not a list containing the window.
-style STYLE The window must have the specified style. STYLE must be specified as a list of two integer values corresponding to the style and extended style for the window. See get_window_style.
-text PATTERN The text associated with the window (generally the window title) must match PATTERN. The matching is done based on the -match option.
-toplevel BOOLEAN The window must or must not be a toplevel window depending on whether BOOLEAN is true or false.
-visible BOOLEAN The window must be visible if BOOLEAN is true and hidden if it is false.
flash_window HWIN ?options?
Flashes the window's caption bar or taskbar icon. The following options control the type and nature of the flash.
-count COUNT Indicates the number of times the window or icon is to be flashed (default is 1).
-nocaption If specified, the window caption is not flashed.
-notaskbar If specified, the taskbar icon is not flashed.
-period MILLISECONDS The period of the flash in milliseconds. Defaults to the system cursor blink rate.
-start Indicates the window should be continously flashed until stopped by another call to this command with the -stop option.
-stop Stops any ongoing flashing of the window. Specifying this option will cause all other options to be ignored.
-untilforeground Indicates the window should be continuously flashed until brought to the foreground. NOTE: Some Windows versions have a bug that results in the window being flashed just once.
flash_window_caption HWIN ?-toggle?
This command is obsolete. Use flash_window instead.
get_active_window_for_current_thread TID
Returns the current active window for the current thread. If the thread does not have a active window, returns $twapi::null_hwin.
get_active_window_for_thread TID
Returns the current active window for the thread with id TID. If the thread does not have a active window, returns $twapi::null_hwin.
Returns the blink time of the caret in milliseconds.
Returns a list of two integers specifying the caret's coordinates. These are always with respect to the client area of the window that owns the caret.
get_child_windows HWIN
Returns a list of handles to all windows that are immediate child windows of the specified window.
get_color_depth ?HWIN?
Returns the number of bits per pixel in the device context of the window identified by HWIN. If HWIN is not specified, the color depth of the entire screen is returned.
get_descendent_windows HWIN
Returns a list of handles to all descendent windows of the specified window.
Returns a handle to the desktop window.
Returns the path to the file containing the current wallpaper for the desktop or an empty string if no wallpaper is in use.
Returns the screen coordinates of the usable area of the desktop as a list of four integers corresponding to the left, top, right and bottom coordinates on the display. The usable area is that area that is not covered by the taskbar and any application desktop toolbars.
Returns a list of display devices in the system. Each element in the list is a keyed list of key value pairs with the following fields:
-description A string describing the device.
-desktop If the value is true, the device is attached to the desktop.
-flags An integer value containing the device flags. These are also returned as the boolean fields described here.
-id The value is the device id for the device.
-key The registry key for the device.
-mirroring If true, the device is a mirroring pseudo driver such as that used for NetMeeting.
-modespruned If true, not all the device modes are supported by its output.
-name The device name.
-primary If true, the primary desktop is displayed on this device.
-removable If true, the device is removable.
-vgacompatible If true, the device is VGA compatible.
get_display_monitor_from_point X Y ?-default DEFAULTMONITOR?
Returns a handle to the monitor corresponding the virtual screen coordinates (X,Y). If the coordinates lie outside the extents of any monitor, the command will generate an error unless the -default option is specified. If -default is specified with a value of primary, then a handle to the primary display monitor is returned. If the value is nearest, the handle of the monitor whose extent is closest to the screen coordinates is returned.

Note that the returned monitor handle is not a Win32 handle and should not be closed.
get_display_monitor_from_rect RECT ?-default DEFAULTMONITOR?
Returns a handle to the monitor that has the largest area of intersection with the rectangle specified by RECT. RECT indicates a virtual screen region and should be specified as a list of four integers indicating the coordinates of the left, top, right, bottom edges. If the rectangle does not intersect any monitor, the command will generate an error unless the -default option is specified. If -default is specified with a value of primary, then a handle to the primary display monitor is returned. If the value is nearest, the handle of the monitor whose extent is closest to the rectangle is returned.

Note that the returned monitor handle is not a Win32 handle and should not be closed.
get_display_monitor_from_window HWIN ?-default DEFAULTMONITOR?
Returns a handle to the monitor on which the window identified by HWIN is displayed. If the window is not displayed on any monitor, because it is iconified or is placed outside of any monitor extents for example, the command will generate an error unless the -default option is specified. If -default is specified with a value of primary, then a handle to the primary display monitor is returned if the window is not currently displayed. If the value is nearest, the handle of the monitor whose extent is closest to the window is returned.

Note that the returned monitor handle is not a Win32 handle and should not be closed.
get_display_monitors ?-device DEVICENAME? ?-activeonly?
Returns a list of display monitors in the system. If -device is specified, only monitors attached to the device with name DEVICENAME are returned. If -activeonly is specified, only monitors marked as active are returned.

Each element in the returned list is a keyed list of key value pairs with the following fields:
-active The monitor is active.
-description A string describing the device.
-flags An integer value containing the display monitor flags. These are also returned as the boolean fields described here.
-id The value is the device id for the device.
-key The registry key for the device.
-name The monitor name.
get_display_monitor_info HMONITOR
Returns information about the display monitor identified by HMONITOR which is a monitor handle. The following fields are returned in a keyed list:
-extent A list of four integers indicating the monitor extent corresponding to the left, top, right and bottom edges of the monitor's display area in virtual screen coordinates.
-name The name identifying the display monitor.
-primary A boolean indicating whether the monitor is the primary display monitor.
-workarea A list of four integers indicating the usable monitor extent corresponding to the left, top, right and bottom edges of the monitor's display area in virtual screen coordinates excluding any space taken up by desktop toolbars and the taskbar.
Returns a list of two integers specifying the width and height of the display.
get_first_child HWIN
Returns a handle to the child window of the specified window that is the first (highest) in the display Z-order.
get_first_sibling_window HWIN
Returns a handle to a sibling window (ie. having the same parent) of the specified window that is the highest in the display Z-order.
get_focus_window_for_thread TID
Returns the window which has the focus the thread with id TID. If the thread does not have a active window, returns $twapi::null_hwin.
Returns the current foreground window on the desktop.
get_last_sibling_window HWIN
Returns a handle to a sibling window (ie. having the same parent) of the specified window that is the lowest (least visible) in the display Z-order.
Returns a list containing information for every monitor in the system. The information is in the same format as that returned by get_display_monitor_info.
get_next_sibling_window HWIN
Returns a handle to a sibling window (ie. having the same parent) of the specified window that is next in the display Z-order.
get_owner_window HWIN
Returns a handle to the owner window of the specified window or null handle if the window does not have a owner.
get_parent_window HWIN
Returns a handle to the parent window of the specified window.
get_prev_sibling_window HWIN
Returns a handle to a sibling window (ie. having the same parent) of the specified window that is previous (immediately higher) in the display Z-order.
Returns a handle to the Windows shell process' window.
get_toplevel_windows ?-pids PIDLIST?
Returns a list of handles to toplevel windows in the system. If no options are specified, this includes all toplevel windows. If the -pids option is specified, then only toplevel windows owned by the process with one of the PID's in PIDLIST are returned.
get_window_application HWIN
Returns the application instance associated with the specified window.
get_window_at_location X Y
Returns the highest window in the X-order that contains the screen coordinates (X,Y). Windows that are disabled or hidden are not ignored.
get_window_class HWIN
Returns the class of a window. This is simple wrapper around the GetClassName Windows function.
get_window_client_area_size HWIN
Returns a list of two integers containing the width and height in pixels of the client area of the window.
get_window_coordinates HWIN
Returns the screen coordinates of the window as a list of four integers corresponding to the left, top, right and bottom sides of the window.
get_window_id HWIN
Returns the window id of the specified window. Note that this is different than the window handles.
get_window_long HWIN INDEX
This is a direct call to the GetWindowsLong function. Refer to Windows SDK documentation for details. Several other TWAPI functions act as wrappers provide more straightforward access to the values retrieved by this function.
get_window_process HWIN
Returns the id of the process that owns the specified window.
get_window_real_class HWIN
Returns the real class of a window for classes that are wrapped by applications into their own set of classes. This is simple wrapper around the RealGetWindowClass Windows function. Windows function.
get_window_style HWIN
Returns a list containing the style and the extended style bits respectively followed by symbolic window style attributes corresponding to the style bits. The window styles attributes that may be returned are shown below. Refer to the Windows SDK documentation for the meaning of these styles.
overlapped The window is an overlapped window - this is a toplevel window without a parent. This attribute is mutually exclusive with popup and child.
popup The window is popup window like a dialog box. This attribute is mutually exclusive with overlapped and child.
child The window is the child of some other window. This attribute is mutually exclusive with popup and overlapped.
caption The window has a caption or title bar and a border.
border The window has a normal border and no title bar.
dlgframe The window has a double border as used for dialogs and no title bar.
dlgmodalframe The window has a double border as used for a dialog and may have a caption as well.
minimize The window is minimized. Windows with neither minimize or maximize attributes are normal windows.
minimizebutton The window has a minimize button on the title bar.
maximize The window is maximized. Windows with neither minimize or maximize attributes are normal windows.
maximizebutton The window has a maximize button on the title bar.
visible The window is visible. If this attribute is not present, the window is hidden.
disabled The window is disabled and does not accept input.
clipsiblings Indicates that the screen area occupied by sibling windows that overlap will not be overwritten when the window is drawn.
clipchildren Indicates that the screen area occupied by child windows will not be overwritten when the window is drawn.
vscroll The window displays a vertical scrollbar.
hscroll The window displays a horizontal scrollbar.
sysmenu The window displays a system menu.
thickframe The window has a thick border that allows for resizing.
noparentnotify The window is a child window that does not send WM_PARENTNOTIFY messages to its parent.
topmost The window is a topmost window that is displayed above all non-topmost windows even when it is not active.
acceptfiles The window accepts files that are dragged and dropped into it.
transparent The window is transparent and does not obscure windows below it.
mdichild The window is an MDI child window.
toolwindow The window is a floating toolbar. The title bar and caption are shrunk. The window does not appear in the task bar and will not show up with the ALT-TAB hotkey.
windowedge The window has a border with a raised edge.
clientedge The window has a border with a sunken edge.
contexthelp The window has a context help button in the caption bar.
controlparent The window allows navigation between child windows using the TAB key.
staticedge The window has a 3-D border.
appwindow The window is forced on the task bar when visible. Note that this does not mean that windows without this attribute will not show up on the task bar. It does mean that windows with this attribute will definitely show up on the task bar.
get_window_text HWIN
Gets the title of a window or the text associated with a control. In the latter case, the control must belong to the same application.
get_window_thread HWIN
Returns the id of the thread that owns the specified window.
get_window_userdata HWIN
Returns the longword associated as user data with the specified window. This maps to the Windows GetWindowLong call with an argument of GWL_USERDATA.
Hides the caret. Note that calls to hide_caret or twapi::HideCaret must be matched by an equivalent number of calls to show_caret or twapi::ShowCaret.
hide_owned_popups HWIN
Hides all popup windows that are owned by the specified window.
hide_window HWIN ?-sync?
Hides the specified window so it does not appear on the display or as an icon. If option -sync is specified, the command will execute synchronously and only return when the window procedure of the target window has handled the request. Note that if the target window is hung, the command will never return.

Returns 1 if the window was previously visible, else 0. The return value is valid only if the -sync option is specified.
invalidate_screen_region ?options?
Marks a region of the screen as invalid. If no options are specified, all windows are marked invalid, forcing them to be redrawn. The following options may be used with the command:
-hwin HWIN Indicates the specific window whose client region is to be invalidated.
-rect RECT If specified, this should be a list of four integers indicating the coordinates of the left, top, right, bottom sides of the region in the window's client area that is to be invalidated. If unspecified or an empty list, the entire client region is marked invalid.
-bgerase If specified, the background within the invalidated region is erased. Otherwise, it remains unchanged.
maximize_window HWIN ?-sync?
Maximizes the specified window. If option -sync is specified, the command will execute synchronously and only return when the window procedure of the target window has handled the request. Note that if the target window is hung, the command will never return.

The command returns 1 if the window was previously visible, else 0. The return value is valid only if the -sync option is specified.
minimize_window HWIN ?options?
Minimizes the specified window.
-sync If specified, the command will execute synchronously and only return when the window procedure of the target window has handled the request. Note that if the target window is hung, the command will never return.
-activate If specified, in addition to being shown, the window is also activated.
-shownext If specified, the next window in the Z-order is activated.
The command returns 1 if the window was previously visible, else 0. The return value is valid only if the -sync option is specified.
move_window HWIN X Y ?-sync?
Moves the specified window such that it's left side is at position X and its top side is at position Y. The window is moved asynchronously unless the -sync option is specified. Note that in this case, the command will never return if the target window is hung.
redraw_window HWIN ?-force?
This command causes the invalidate regions of the specified window to be redrawn. If -force is specified, the entire window is redrawn.
redraw_window_frame HWIN
This command causes the frame of the specified window to be redrawn.
resize_window HWIN W H ?-sync?
Resizes the specified window to be W pixels in width and H pixels in height. The resizing is done asynchronously unless the -sync option is specified. Note that in this case, the command will never return if the target window is hung.
restore_window HWIN ?options?
Restores a window to its original size and position if it is maximized or minimized. The command returns 1 if the window was previously visible, else 0. The return value is valid only if the -sync option is specified.
-sync If specified, the command will execute synchronously and only return when the window procedure of the target window has handled the request. Note that if the target window is hung, the command will never return.
-activate In addition to being shown, the window is also activated.
set_active_window_for_thread HWIN
Sets the specified window to be the active window for its owning thread. The window is brought to the foreground if the owning thread belongs to the foreground application. Returns the handle of the window that was previously active.
set_caret_blink_time MILLISECONDS
Sets the blink time of the caret to MILLISECONDS milliseconds.
set_caret_location POINT
Sets the caret's location to POINT which must be a list of two integers specifying the caret's coordinates.
set_desktop_wallpaper PATH ?-persist?
Sets the desktop wallpaper to that specified by the file PATH. On Vista and later systems, the file may be in BMP or JPG format. Older Windows systems only support BMP format.

If PATH is specified as an empty string or none, no wallpaper is displayed on the desktop. If PATH is default, the default wallpaper is restored to the desktop. If the option -persist is specified, the new setting is written to the user's profile. Note that if the system is not currently configured to display a wallpaper, the desktop is not updated immediately unless the -persist flag is also specified.
set_focus HWIN
Sets the focus to the specified window. The window, or its parent, is also activated. The command returns the window that previously had the focus.
set_foreground_window HWIN
Sets the specified window to be the foreground window. Returns 1 if successful, and 0 otherwise.
set_window_long HWIN INDEX VALUE
This is a direct call to the SetWindowsLong function. Refer to Windows SDK documentation for details. Several other TWAPI functions act as wrappers and provide more straightforward access to the values set by this function.
set_window_style HWIN style exstyle
Sets the style and extended style bits for the specified window. style and exstyle are bitmasks. Refer to the Windows SDK documentation for details.
set_window_text HWIN TEXT
Sets the title of a window or the text associated with a control. In the latter case, the control must belong to the same application.
set_window_userdata HWIN INTEGER
Sets the longword associated as user data with the specified window. This maps to the Windows SetWindowLong call with an argument of GWL_USERDATA.
set_window_zorder HWIN POS
Sets the position of the specified window in the Z-order. POS may be either a window handle or a keyword. In the former case, the window is placed right after the window specified by POS. Otherwise, POS must be one of the following keywords:
top Places the window at the top of the Z-order.
bottom Places the window at the bottom of the Z-order.
toplayer Refer to explanation of HWND_TOPMOST in the documentation of the function SetWindowsPos in the Windows SDK.
bottomlayer Refer to explanation of HWND_NOTOPMOST in the documentation of the function SetWindowsPos in the Windows SDK.
Shows the caret. Note that calls to hide_caret or twapi::HideCaret must be matched by an equivalent number of calls to show_caret or twapi::ShowCaret to make the caret visible.
show_owned_popups HWIN
Shows all popup windows owned by the specified window that were hidden by a previous call to hide_owned_popups. Note that popups that were hidden using other functions such as hide_window will not be shown by this call.
show_window HWIN ?options?
Makes the specified window visible. Note that a visible window may still be obscured by other windows or clipped. The command returns 1 if the window was previously visible, else 0. The return value is valid only if the -sync option is specified.
-sync If specified, the command will execute synchronously and only return when the window procedure of the target window has handled the request. Note that if the target window is hung, the command will never return.
-activate In addition to being shown, the window is also activated.
-normal If a window is minimized or maximized, restores it to its original position.
-startup Shows the window based on the contents of the STARTUPINFO structure when the process was created.

If both -normal and -startup are specified, -startup takes precedence. If neither is specified, the window is shown in its current form, which may be minimized, maximized or normal.
tkpath_to_hwnd TKPATH
Returns the window handle corresponding to a Tk window in a form that can be passed to other TWAPI commands. Note that Tk toplevel windows may be wrapped by a parent window, in which case a Tk toplevel is not necessarily a Windows toplevel window. To obtain the Windows toplevel, you may need to call get_parent_window on the returned window handle.
window_exists HWIN
Returns 1 if the specified window exists, else 0.
window_input_enabled HWIN
Returns 1 if the specified window has mouse and keyboard input enabled, else 0.
Returns 1 if the window CHILDHWIN is a child of the window PARENTHWIN, else 0.
window_maximized HWIN
Returns 1 if the specified window is maximized, else 0.
window_minimized HWIN
Returns 1 if the specified window has been minimized, else 0.
window_visible HWIN
Returns 1 if the specified window is visible, else 0. Note that visible does not imply user can actually see the window (it may be obscured or clipped).
window_unicode_enabled HWIN
Returns 1 if the specified window is a native Unicode window, else 0.


Copyright © 2003-2009 Ashok P. Nadkarni

Tcl Windows API 4.6.0